“Ainmnigh trí rud a bhfaighfeá i siopa glasraí”, tá 30 soicind agat le freagairt agus diosca a fháil. Is é an buaiteoir an duine le bord lán dioscaí, ach caithfear bheith scioptha.
The Irish language version of the game ’30 Seconds’. There are 200 cards in the box, and each card asks for three things on a particular theme. Each time a player succeeds in naming three objects within 30 seconds they place a disc on the playing board in their own column. The first player with a filled column wins the game. If more than one player succeeds in collecting the fifth disc in the same round, it is a tie game and a round – or rounds – of solving must be played until there is one winner.
As Seen on The Late Late Toy Show