With a simple challenge, the students can imagine a solution, experiment, and problem solve and build a machine that solves the problem – or they can just tinker! Best of all, the pieces are intuitive, there is a very fast learning curve for the kids, so time can be spent testing ideas, tinkering, and making. Instructional staff do not need extensive training as the parts are easy to understand and work with, and the materials can make simple machines or highly complex Rube Goldberg style machines, it all depends on the challenges – and the imagination of the student! We have recently added a cool gripper mechanism for both the Sets, so it is even more versatile! See the Gallery for the kinds of things that can be made! this Set will make your STEM programs rock!
- Levers and Simple Machines
- Design and Technology units
- Engineering and Invention
- Fluid Studies
- Science Fair Activities
- Engineering Design Process
- Forces and Motion
As Seen on The Late Late Toy Show

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