- “The ‘What would you rather do?’ board game you’ve been waiting for finally exists” - Cosmopolitan
- Spark fun conversations - You won’t believe how messed up some of your friends’ preferences are.
- Endless combinations - With over 300 Poison Cards there are millions of possible card combinations.
- From the creators of The Voting Game and Hot Seat and other board games.
As Seen on The Late Late Toy Show

Air Toobz Fat Brain
Sale price€159.95

ZipString Blister
Sale price€34.95

Stomp Rocket Dueling Rockets
Sale price€29.95

Giant Space Hopper
Sale price€29.95

Stomp Rocket Ultra LED
Sale price€24.95

Plasma Ball - Thames & Kosmos
Sale price€34.95

Colour Changing Nee Doh
Sale price€4.95
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