WEmake FM Radio DIY Soldering Kit with Tools | Soldering Iron | Side Cutters | Safety Glasses | Solder | Great Stem Project

Sale price£31.00


  • D.I.Y. That's right do-it-yourself! build this kit to assemble a monophonic FM receiver (88-108mhz) with 2 IC Chips
  • Develop an understanding of the functions of electronics, IC, and radios and modern radio functionality
  • 25W soldering iron with stand - Wire cutters - safely glasses - lead free solder (99.3% tin, 0.7% Copper. 5ft @ 0.031" diameter)
  • Ideal for use in labs, service shops, schools (STEM - STEAM), home and industry
  • Before there was the Maker movement, there was elenco and "learn by doing". elenco strives for quality with value to make their products available for everyone.

age 14+